Motto: Safe and considerate utilization of the landscape lies in respect for the natural processes that shape it.
Major part of human activity is bound to the surface or its immediate surroundings. This means that the nature of the earth's surface (morphology, geology, land cover etc.) and processes it creates have an immediate impact on human activity and the manner of land use. It follows that understand the evolution of the earth's surface is essential prerequisite for its effective and environmentally considerate use.
NEWS: GEORESPECT s.r.o. has been currently solving a feasibility study project with the topic “USE OF APPLIED GEOMORPHOLOGY IN THE EVALUATION OF LANDSCAPE VULNERABILITY BY NATURAL HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CLIMATE PHENOMENON EL NIÑO IN THE REGIONS OF NORTHERN PERU“ supported by the Czech Development Agency and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in frames of the programme Czech International Development Cooperation.